Thursday, October 30, 2008

PBS Poll

Hey, fellow McCain-Palin supporters! Someone sent this information to me, I voted, and now I'm passing along the instructions so YOU can follow suit! Just read the instructions below!

"PBS has an online poll posted, asking if Sarah Palin is qualified. Apparently, the Left wing knew about this in advance and are flooding the voting with "no" votes. The poll will be reported on

PBS and picked up by mainstream media. It can influence undecided voters in swing states.

Please do 2 things:

1) Click on the link and vote YES!Here's the link:
Inform every McCain-Palin supporter that you know about this poll.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sweet success!!

That's how it is right now, folks! Sweet success! I have had two of the most productive days this last week. It's great! I've been very motivated. Hence, I'm going to list everything I was able to accomplish.

Enkay, here we go!

Day 1

1. Got up earlier
2. Read the chapter for that day in my Bible study book for church

3. Put all my summer clothes away in the container

4. Put all my winter clothes in the closet

5. Did 3 loads of laundry

6. Made supper

7. Cleaned up the kitchen

8. Practiced some music on the piano

9. Dusted my room

10. Vacuumed my room

11. Played a board game with Molly

12. Dressed up more; "fixed" my hair; and put on make-up. (Not always part of the daily routine!)

13. Tidied up my music books

14. Caused 3 power outages because of my vacuuming! *smile*

Day 2

1. Cleaned the kitchen

2. Made pizza crust, which was going to be for our lunch (however, no cheese!)

3. Baked cookies

4. Swept the kitchen floor

5. Made bread

6. Showered

7. Babysat for neighbors

8. Did a load of laundry

9. Went bowling with some friends

10. Played the piano

It's great being productive and getting so much done! I'm also not drinking any milk for this week. (I really like it and will eat something sweet so I can drink milk! However, it causes me to break out!)

Below are some pictures of the pile of my summer stuff and then my *new* closet! It really needed to be tended to. My clothes were getting very out of hand. *smile

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I figured out something to post! So, keep your eyes peeled! :-)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes, yes, yes...

I know it's getting kind of boring on my blog! I really don't know what to write about. We have been enjoying the fall weather that's come to our neck of the woods. The trees have gradually started to change which makes it pretty. Sometimes, the leaves are so dead looking that the true, autumn hue isn't real vibrant. Fortunately, we had a lot more rain this year and our summer was unusually mild. (So much for global warming!)

I'll try and get something up here! I must have gone through a little phase where I had more to blog about. Oh well!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who's who?

Hey fellow blog readers!

I just went to my blogger profile and discovered that I have had over 1,000 hits on my blog!! Yay! Of course I realize that some of those are my family and I, but I wanted to see who was reading my blog. So, if you could leave your name and how you found my site in a comment connected to this post, that would be great!! Thanks!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Can you guess what happened one year ago, Monday?

Let me tell you a story...

On the last evening of a weekend seminar, five young people who were friends decided to go get some pie afterwards at a restaurant. Sitting on either side of the table, the two oldest began having a "discussion" on the subject of courtship. Differing oppinions were exchanged and challenges were brought to the table. (However, both did enjoy the pie!) Soon, it was time to gather everyone's things and hit the road...the young lady and two of her siblings, the young man and his sibling, driving in opposite directions back home. That night, the young man told his father that, "I pity the guy who gets her for a wife!" She must have shared his sentiments, because on different occasions she had told her family that she could, "Never marry a guy like him! He drives me nuts!"

Well, all that took place five years ago...and now, we're celebrating the first wedding anniversary of my brother and his wife! *smile* (October 6th, 2007 to be exact!) As my dad so wisely told Griff, "There's a fine line between love and hate". Griff and Bek officially began courting in December of 2006, and were engaged in February 2007. They are now keeping house in a nice, little apartment and expecting their first little one this coming January.

Congratulations, Griff & Bek!! We love you!


Hey there! Well, I have been tagged by Nikki and now I'm it! Normally, I don't do these chains, but thought I would make an exception this time.
Here are the rules!
~Link to the person who tagged you
~Post the rules on your blog
~Write six random things about yourself
~Tag six people at the end of the post
~Let each person know that he or she has been tagged
~Let the tagger know when your entry is up
1. I don't like the feel of fleece! As long as my hands aren't touching it I'm okay.
2. I've been shot with a BB gun in the ankle. One time when I was riding my bike, my older brother cocked it once and thought he would have some fun. *smile* But, we're on good terms!
3. Chocolate! I love it! Dessert isn't dessert unless it's chocolate. *smile*
4. I'm the shortest girl in my family (besides Molly).
5. People think I'm still in high school. (I'm twenty-one and a half, thank you very much!)
6. I enjoy playing the piano. I am interested in starting a "business", in which I can provide music for weddings, banquets, receptions, etc.
I tag:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dad's Day!!

David Roy M. was born in Charleston, South Carolina, August 30th, 19??. Dad is the eldest of three boys (neither of my parents have sisters!), who grew up in the great state of Indiana. For over 15 years, Dad has been a computer programmer and has developed his own dental software. Our dad enjoys spending time with his family (especially his wife!), basketball and softball, and is a big IU fan. He has been a great provider for our family, and we love him!
Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Similarities between sugar and poison...

For the past couple years, we've had a huge supply of organic sugar from Sam's Club and only recently ran out. So, we then had to buy some of the really bad kind in order to meet the demand. *smile* Today, while my 12 year old brother fixed himself a peanut butter sandwhich for lunch, he got out the sugar bowl in order to sprinkle on some sweetness. He looked at it and asked me, "Is this sugar?" He kind of laughed and told me, "It looks like detergent!" How true!! The old, white sugar does resemble the powdery poison!