Thursday, August 21, 2008

Are YOU up to the challenge?

Are you? Well, I've decided to do something that you all can be a part of too! It's called the Extreme Exercise Challenge. Okay, maybe not extreme but it sounded good. *smile* I am a total slacker when it comes to exercising, getting all the amount of sleep I need, and eating the right foods. So, that's why I've come up with the Excerise Challenge. If we band together and become accountability partners, we can encourage each other on this endeavor of endurance, dedication and hard work. For some of you, the desire to get back down to a healthy weight may be your drive. For others, just the healthy practice of consistent exercise has been your goal but you just don't seem to be able to get it done.

So, if you're able and willing, please join me and become a member in the Extreme Exercise Challenge!

Here are the conditions to be a part of this fun challenge:

1. Leave a comment down below saying that you will commit to the Extreme Exercise Challenge which will last for a total of four weeks.

2. At the end of one whole week, please leave some feedback as to how you did, any insight you gained, etc.

I hope you decide to join me in a quest to get healthy, active and fit!

*The challenge begins this Monday, August 25th!*

Week One

~Exercise for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week
~Drink at least 5, 8 oz. glasses of water each day
~Get to bed 15 minutes earlier than your normal time
~Eat one fruit and one veggie each day


My Bright Corner said...

I so need this! haha! Yes, I'll join your challenge!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lacey,
Good idea! Count me in! Next week is going to be rough(alot going on), but I'm going to give it a try.

Tori said...

Great idea - I need something like this! Count me in!

Lacey said...

Great girls! Glad to have you a part of this here challenge! :-)

Cour2ney said...

Is it too late for me to join? I'll give it a try for this week, anyway. =)

Lacey said...

No, Courtney! It's not too late! Welcome to the Challenge!!