Thursday, November 20, 2008


A few weeks ago, my parents decided to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary, by flying up to Maine for their very own special, getaway! Neither one had been there since 1999, when my parents and Molly went for my dad's business trip, (not neccessarily for a 'leisure' trip). They really enjoyed it then, and decided to travel back again. Mom didn't know how the colors would be since their "peak" had already passed. But, to us midwesterner's, their peak is like ten times better than ours, so, even though it was past, the color was gorgeous! My parents found a little bed & breakfast, via the Internet, to stay at while visiting. They also enjoyed a lot of seafood! (My parents thought the Clam Chowder was delicious!) *smile* They both had a wonderful time and enjoyed getting away.

Below are some pictures from their trip. I may do a couple installments, so stay tuned... would you like to have that staring you in the face?

Yes, he was actually playing the bagpipes! Cool!


Tori said...

Wow! It sure is beautiful there! Glad to hear your parents had a wonderful time!

Nikki said...

How Beautiful!!
I Hate Sea Food!!
But to those who do I'm sure they enjoyed it! I always wanted to go to Maine!! (But not for the Sea-food) *Smile*
I finally up-dated my blog the other day .. so... CHECK IT OUT!

Dear Abbi said...

Great pics! I would love to visit Maine one day...I love seafood too!