Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wedding Mix Up

I just posted part three to Christie's wedding, but, since I saved my pictures in a post in May it's listed further down my blog. So, just know that part three is there, you just have to scroll down to view those pictures. Why couldn't it just be simple?!


Josiah and Abi Wissmann said...


I love the header at the top of you blog...it is SO beautiful! And when I have high-speed/wireless the music is such a lovely, peaceful effect! God bless you for blessing others! I LOVE YOU, SISTER!!

Josiah and Abi Wissmann said...

PS--I should have put this on the last one...HUGS to you too! :)


Lacey said...

Thank you, Abi for your sweet comments! I'm sure you LOVE the fact that you have a picture to go along with your posts, now. *smile* How are wedding plans going? Are you guys doing anything special for the 4th? I'll call you soon!!


Lacey said...

Thank you, Abi for your sweet comments! I'm sure you LOVE the fact that you have a picture to go along with your posts, now. *smile* How are wedding plans going? Are you guys doing anything special for the 4th? I'll call you soon!!
