Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"The Lady Loves Pink"

Well, today is a special day for someone special in our home. It's our mom's birthday! Roxanne Martin came into this world on February 27th. She is the third child and only daughter in her family. When my grandma found out that it was a girl, all she could say was, "Goody, goody, goody." :-)
Mom is a very caring, thoughtful, loving, and fun mother who absolutely LOVES the color pink, and is a major KU fan. We love her so much and have been blessed to have her as our mother.

Happy Birthday, Mom!


Tori said...
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Tori said...

Happy birthday, Mrs. Martin! Even though I don't know you, I can tell by what Lacey says that you are a very special lady. May God continue to bless you throughout the coming year! Hope you have a great day! :)

Beth said...

I know your'e grandma was happy to find out she was a girl and not a boy.

Anonymous said...

Lacey: I couldn't get this comment to post on Abby's blog, so I'm leaving it here for your mom! I hope she had a wonderful day! I think you should have said the lovely lady in pink! Your mom is such a gorgeous lady, and she's an absoulutly darling baby! Anyways here's the comment for your mom!

Happy__?? Birthday Mrs. Martin! I hope you had a wonderful day! You are a lovely lady, and I had so... much fun the day I spent at your house last year, and was so blessed by your simple hospitality, and sweet spirit! May the Lord bless you with many more years, and may you continue to bless others with your sweet spirit through those years he gives you! I agree with Tori! Abby, and Lacey you definately get your beautifulness from your gorgeous mother! Thank-you Mrs. Mrs. Martin for bearing, and raising your wonderful children for the Lord! They are a huge blessing in my life, and I know they are just an outpouring of your life! An extension in a manner of speaking! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with blessings, and joy for a wonderful person like you!

P.S. She's an adorable baby BTW!

Lacey said...

Thank you girls for all your sweet comments!! She appreciates them! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Mrs.Martin! What a blessing it has been to get to know you! Truly my life is more rich because of the love of Jesus which spills out of you to others! Hope you had a special day! Happy, Happy Birthday!!

Tori said...

Hi Lacey!

You've been tagged! You can go to my blog to read the rules! :-)