Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Caleb & Juhi's Wedding, Part 1

I will post an informative review of Mr. & Mrs. Kangas' wedding soon, but for right now I'm just posting pictures. :-)
Wedding Canopy
Corrie, a bridesmaid and groom's sister
The Head Table
The Wedding Cake
Indian Appetizers
Mr. & Mrs. Caleb Kangas


Anonymous said...

Hey Ab!

This is a test if I can get a comment to post! We're on our way into town so I have to go now, but Happy Happy Birthday! Sweet Sixteen! Wow!

Love Ya!

Lace: I couldn't get this to post on Ab's and I really wanted her to see it! I have to go know, but great pictures! I love them!! Love and miss Ya! Tell Ab I'll try to get her a more official birthday email later!

Anonymous said...

I'll give your message to Abby, Bekah! :-) I can't understand why it won't allow you to post anything on her blog...I WILL write both you and Anna soon...:-)


Abby said...

Thanks, Bekah! We haven't celebrated my birthday yet because we have plans later on this month. =) It's feels "very sweet" to be 16! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Testing to see if this will work.