Thursday, February 21, 2008


Okay, Jane Austen fans, there is a treat for you! Last weekend, we purchased the newest BBC version of Jane Austen's, "Persuasion", on DVD. We girls watched it and it was good! The costumes weren't quite so revealing which is always a plus. (Note: There was one part where the dress wasn't very good, but compared to other JA films, modesty wasn't a big concern). Although the movie is condensed to "93 minutes", it's worth watching and one I could recommend.


Beth said...

Is it really, really good? Because me and my two sisters love wacthing Pride and Prejudice, but we don't like movies were you have to stop and fwd. through parts.

Lacey said...

No, there really aren't any parts to fast forward. There is one scene where her dress is not good...but if it's just girls watching then there isn't any need to fast forward. This particular movie is probably the best as far as clothing is concerned. There is one scene where the two main characters are getting ready to kiss and they are slow about getting it done, but we don't fast forward the movie. If you end up watching, please let me know what you thought. Thanks! BTW-how did you find my blog? Just curious! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lace!Would you mind bringing it for me to borrow tomorrow if you are done w/ it? I'm glad you liked it!

Cour2ney said...

I want to see it next!
Please. =)

Anonymous said...

We should watch it sometime together! Me, you, Abi, and Abby!:)))))

Lacey said...

Hey Bekah! We should watch Persuasion together. Maybe when we're able to see each other again, we can do that. :-)