Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Time

I thought I would post a few pictures of our family's Christmas. We had a little bit of excitement that morning, as dad tried to start a fire in our fireplace. For some reason the smoke wasn't going up the chimney...and the alarm started ringing--loudly. Thankfully, it eventually went off and the door was opened to let all that smoke escape. Ahh...memories! :-)

Christmas Eve Dinner

Monkey Bread--a major family favorite

on Christmas morning! Mmmm...

Griff & Bek opening their gifts

The stress was just too, the snow was

sticking to Dad's hair, last Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lacey!

Great Posts!! I'm so glad that you, and Abby both got blogs, because now I can keep up with y'all! It was so great to see you both at the wedding the other night, and it made me realize how much I really miss you two from day to day! You have been a huge blessing in my life, and wonderful friends! I hope we can get together soon, but until then I'll be checking your blog often! So keep the posts coming!:) Happy New Year! And may you experience the Lord in a new way this 2008 year! I love ya Lace! Keep your light shining bright for Him!

Love and Hugs Being Sent Your Way!
Bekah Rehm

P.S. Tell Abby if she doesn't find a comment on her blog soon, I'm trying to figure out how to do hers, because hers doesn't have Nickname, and Anonymous as options, and our computer is really finicky with the blogger ID thing!