We're back! Thanks for praying for a safe trip. At this year's conference, besides seeing our good friends we had the privilege of hearing some new speakers, Kevin Swanson, The Duggar Family, and Eric Enlow. Although there were more, these were the only speakers that I went to hear. Below are some pictures from the week:
Molly & Abby--enjoying a chocolate chip cookie from our stop at Starbucks.
Aww, thanks for the comment! You are welcome at my blog any time!
I enjoyed scrolling through your blog...love the color, and aren't you the cutest thing?!
Are/were you homeschooled? I noticed you attended a hs conference...they are the best. :) And how many brothers/sisters do you have? Is that a sister named Abby? (great name, btw!)
Thanks again for stopping by and for your sweet words, I hope to see you again soon!
Congrats to the soon-to-be Auntie. :) Nieces and nephews are great!
No, I was not homeschooled, I graduated from our church's Christian school. And we have not officially moved over to our new house yet, it will take the rest of the week. :)
You are more the welcome to link to me...I love visitors. :)
Have a great week!
Thanks, Abbi! We're all pretty excited and looking forward to the new arrival. How old are your children? What made you decide to home school your children?
Thanks for letting me link to you. It will be so much easier to get to your site!
Our children are 7, almost 5, and 2. I've wanted to homeschool basically, since I graduated from highschool myself. :) It's something that we have always wanted to do! And so far, it is working for us...although I am still "learning the ropes." :)
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